How to Make .htaccess file Immutable

To make the .htaccess file immutable, you can use the chattr command in the Linux command line. This command will set the file attributes to prevent any modifications or deletion of the file. Here are the steps to make the .htaccess file immutable:

How to disable XML-RPC without Plugins? Why?

XML-RPC (XML Remote Procedure Call) is a protocol used by WordPress and other content management systems to communicate with other servers and services over the internet. XML-RPC allows you to perform certain actions on your WordPress site remotely, such as publishing a blog

How to Fix DenyAll hack in .htaccess WordPress

If your WordPress site won’t let you edit posts or pages and you see malicious code in the .htaccess file, it’s possible that your site has been hacked and the hackers have added code to restrict access to the site. The “DenyAll” code

What is Robots Txt file? How to Generate Robots Txt?

Your Robots.txt file is what tells the search engines which pages to access and index on your website on which pages not to.