July 27, 2024

Rajapaksa Family Tree: Members and their Relations in 2023

Rajapaksa Family Tree: Members and their Relations in 2023

The Rajapaksa family Tree is one of the most prominent and influential political families in Sri Lanka. Over the past few decades, members of the family have held some of the highest positions in the country, including the presidency, prime ministership, and various ministerial portfolios. However, their rise to power has also been marked by allegations of corruption and abuse of power.

The Rajapaksa family tree starts with D. A. Rajapaksa, who was a member of the State Council of Ceylon in the 1940s. His son, Mahinda Rajapaksa, rose to power as the President of Sri Lanka in 2005 and served two terms until 2015. Mahinda’s brothers, Chamal and Basil Rajapaksa, have also been prominent political figures in the country, with Chamal serving as a former speaker of parliament and Basil as a former minister of economic development.

Mahinda’s son, Namal Rajapaksa, entered politics in 2010 and was elected as a member of parliament in 2015. His other sons, Yoshitha and Rohitha, have also been involved in politics and business. In addition, Mahinda’s nephew, Nimal Siripala de Silva, is a senior member of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and has held various ministerial portfolios over the years.

However, the Rajapaksa family’s rise to power has not been without controversy. During Mahinda’s presidency, there were numerous allegations of corruption and abuse of power, including the misuse of state funds, suppression of dissent, and human rights violations. These allegations were also leveled against other members of the family, including Basil Rajapaksa and Namal Rajapaksa.

The Rajapaksa family has also been accused of engaging in nepotism and cronyism, with family members being appointed to key positions in government and state-owned enterprises. This has led to concerns about the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals and the erosion of democratic institutions in the country.

In recent years, there have been efforts to investigate and prosecute members of the Rajapaksa family for corruption and abuse of power. In 2015, Mahinda Rajapaksa was defeated in the presidential election by Maithripala Sirisena, who ran on a platform of anti-corruption and good governance. Since then, there have been several high-profile corruption cases involving members of the Rajapaksa family, including Namal Rajapaksa and Basil Rajapaksa.

Sri Lanka has been under the influence of the Rajapaksa family for decades, with many of its members holding high positions in politics. The family’s involvement in corruption has been a topic of debate in Sri Lanka for years.

In addition to the Rajapaksa family, Sri Lanka has been plagued by corruption in various forms, including bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism. The country’s political system has been criticized for being highly centralized, with power concentrated in the hands of a few powerful families.

Critics argue that corruption and the concentration of power in the hands of a few families have hindered Sri Lanka’s development and contributed to its economic struggles. They also highlight the need for greater transparency and accountability in the country’s political system to combat corruption and promote democracy.

Here are all the Rajapaksa Family Tree that we have found.

  1. Mahinda Rajapaksa – Former President of Sri Lanka and current Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. He is the elder brother of Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
  2. Gotabaya Rajapaksa – Current President of Sri Lanka. He previously served as the Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Urban Development during his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa’s presidency.
  3. Chamal Rajapaksa – Former Speaker of the Sri Lankan Parliament and Minister of Ports and Aviation. He is the elder brother of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
  4. Basil Rajapaksa – Former Minister of Economic Development and Member of Parliament. He is the younger brother of Mahinda and Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
  5. Namal Rajapaksa – Current Member of Parliament and son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
  6. Yoshitha Rajapaksa – Former Lieutenant in the Sri Lankan Navy and son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
  7. Shiranthi Rajapaksa – Wife of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and former First Lady of Sri Lanka.

These are some of the most prominent members of the Rajapaksa family, but there are several other members who have also held political positions or are otherwise well-known in Sri Lanka.

Sure, here are some additional members of the Rajapaksa family:

  1. Wimal Weerawansa – Sri Lankan politician and member of parliament who is married to Shashi Weerawansa, a sister of Mahinda Rajapaksa.
  2. Rohitha Rajapaksa – Son of Chamal Rajapaksa and former Chairman of Sri Lanka Telecom.
  3. Jaliya Wickramasuriya – Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to the United States and brother-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa.
  4. Udayanga Weeratunga – Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to Russia and a cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa.
  5. Niroshan Rajapaksa – Son of Basil Rajapaksa and former Member of Parliament.

These are some of the other notable members of the Rajapaksa family, although there are several other relatives who are involved in politics or business in Sri Lanka.

While the Rajapaksa family members mentioned earlier are some of the most prominent and well-known figures in Sri Lankan politics, there are several other relatives who are also involved in politics or business in Sri Lanka.

Here are some additional members of the Rajapaksa family:

  1. Shasheendra Rajapaksa – Younger brother of Chamal, Mahinda, and Gotabaya Rajapaksa. He is a former Chief Minister of the Uva Province in Sri Lanka.
  2. Prasanna Ranaweera – Brother-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Mayor of Colombo.
  3. Sashindra Rajapaksa – Son of Chamal Rajapaksa and former Chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board.
  4. Lohan Ratwatte – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Minister of State for Plantations.
  5. Janaka Rajapaksa – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Deputy Minister of Local Government.
  6. Dilith Jayaweera – Businessman and close associate of the Rajapaksa family.
  7. Nishantha Wickramasinghe – Brother-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chairman of Sri Lankan Airlines.

These are just a few of the other members of the Rajapaksa family who are involved in politics, business, or other activities in Sri Lanka.

Here are a few additional members of the Rajapaksa family:

  1. Shivantha Rathnayake – Nephew of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chairman of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
  2. Gamini Rajapaksa – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Minister of Agriculture.
  3. Anura Priyadharshana Yapa – Brother-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Minister of Petroleum Resources.
  4. Indika Rajapaksa – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chairman of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation.

These are just a few more examples of the many members of the Rajapaksa family who are involved in politics, business, sports, and other areas of Sri Lankan society.

There are a few more members of the Rajapaksa family worth mentioning:

  1. Dharshani Lahandapura – former Chairperson of the National Savings Bank.
  2. Ioma Rajapaksa – Wife of gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Chairperson of the National Child Protection Authority.
  3. Anuradha Yahampath – Niece of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chairperson of the Ceylon Electricity Board.
  4. Chanaka de Silva – Nephew of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chairman of the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation.
  5. Sudarshana Bandara – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Chief Minister of the Southern Province.
  6. Danuna Tilakaratne – Brother-in-law of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and former Chairman of Rakna Arakshaka Lanka, a state-owned security firm.

These are some of the other members of the Rajapaksa family who have played roles in politics, business, and public service in Sri Lanka.

  1. Prasanna Rajapaksa – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Member of Parliament.
  2. Jagath Rajapaksa – Cousin of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Minister of Agriculture.
  3. Naveen Dissanayake – Nephew of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Minister of Plantation Industries.
  4. Upul Thennakoon – Nephew of Mahinda Rajapaksa and former Deputy Minister of Plantation Industries.

These are just a few more members of the Rajapaksa family who have held positions in Sri Lankan politics and public service.

There are a few more members of the Rajapaksa family who are not directly involved in politics, but have made a name for themselves in other fields:

  1. Pasindu Peiris – Son-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa and owner of a construction company.
  2. Sithani Wijewickrama – Daughter of Basil Rajapaksa and fashion designer.
  3. Chamathka Rajapaksa – Niece of Mahinda Rajapaksa and actress.
  4. Pabodha Rajapaksa – Niece of Mahinda Rajapaksa and actress.

These are some of the other members of the Rajapaksa family who have made a name for themselves in fields such as business, fashion, and entertainment. Thera are also, Nipuna Ranawaka and Nirupama rajapaksa that we have not mentioned. These are the publicly available details of the rajapaksa family Tree as of 2023.

In conclusion, the Rajapaksa family’s involvement in politics and corruption in Sri Lanka has been a topic of controversy for many years. The concentration of power in the hands of a few families has hindered the country’s development and contributed to its economic struggles.

However, the country has seen progress in recent years, with greater awareness and activism around issues of corruption and good governance. It remains to be seen how the situation will evolve in the future, but there is hope for a more transparent and accountable political system in Sri Lanka.

The sources are different from each other, since most of these are sensitive information, kindly find these data as for educational puposes only. We do not guarantee the authenticity of these publivly availanle information 100%. Thank you for reading this.

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