Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
People start blogs for all sorts of reasons… But mainly they start a blog for profit.
Also to educate, to have a voice, to make money. It’s important to understand your driving force. The reason you start is the reason you will keep going. The reason you will get up every morning at 4 a.m. while everyone else is happily sleeping, to write your next inspired piece of content.
For me, it was about the power of the social web. My blog was a publishing machine that gave me a voice to the masses, it gave my audience a voice, it helped the little guy get noticed in a world of inflated egos and celebrity clickbait headlines.
Blogging helped me make some noise and leave a little dent in this universe.
But it’s also more than that. Above all else, blogging is a platform for self-development.
It won’t happen overnight, but all of this is within your reach if you just start.
Let me clear, Niche refers to the Category of your blog or what’s your blog is about?
So, you need to select a perfect niche because selecting a Niche is most important while starting a blog for profit.
My personal Suggestion would be you must select something which you love and you don’t get bored to write about it. That must be your passion. For example, I love Cricket, So a niche related to Cricket would be an awesome idea.
Your passion closely aligns with your “why” for starting a blog in the first place.
This will act as a guiding light to keep you on track. Keep you energized. Keep you turning up every day when it all feels too hard.
What is it that makes you tick? What do you love? What topics inspire you and help you write with ease?
Finding your passion is an essential part of sustaining a blog in the long term. It will help you find like-minded people who are excited about the same things as you, and it will motivate you to push that little bit harder when it feels like your wheels are spinning.
You want to be able to define your passion in a succinct mission statement – 20 words or less. For me, it is all about winning at business and life in the digital world. What is it for you?
One approach you can take to defining your blog’s mission statement is with Porter Gale’s 4-steps:
For you this might be obvious, it may be subconscious, or it could be buried deep down within. Either way, you need to find it and document it. Post it on your wall. Read it every day.
When I was new at this I did the same I started with Cricket news, Stats e.t.c Where I wasn’t much successful but yes that changed my life with the experience I had.
It will keep you on track.
Choose a niche that you would LOVE. That.s what helps you make a blog to make a profit.
Domain refers to the name of your website location on the Internet. Every blog or website has its Unique address on the worldwide web.
Let’s check this with my domain URL ( as an example:
HTTPS://(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
Few tips to select a good domain name:
Want to read more about domain names – Read this Article.
Read here about the 3 Best Hosting Sites,
This is our crucial step where you need to decide which platform to choose.
If you’re a newbie then my #1 Recommendation would be you must choose
Read more about Wealthy Affiliate from this Article.
If you want something free, Try, Why?
Because It’s a Free platform by google to make a blog. You can even choose the blogger subdomain if you’re not having any kind of investments.
If you have some small investment then you can go with WordPress where you need to purchase a Hosting to host the website/blog.
So, if you’re confused about choosing the right platform lookout this: WordPress or Blogger.
Now, If you planned to host on WordPress there would be a variety of functions and guides on the internet.
Now it comes to set up themes & plugins. Well, there are lots of free themes and premium themes available in the market.
Note: Never use premium themes which are available for free or offered by your known person.
This is because the themes contain coding which is the primary reason for site hacks.
You can use Free themes Like GeneratePress, or any FREE themes or any premium themes from Envato. I recommend Themeforest because they have the fastest themes.
Premium themes have lots of functions to design your blog. While FREE ones have very few options.
After that, you need Plugins for SEO, Contact form, Sliders, and other necessary things.
Starting with important pages like about us, privacy policy and contact us pages helps to look professional and it gives trust in the reader’s mind.
Now, these pages will help you to get approved for ad networks like AdSense and others.
To write your first blog post on WordPress, go to the WordPress blog dashboard >> Posts >> Add New.
Now, Pick a topic on which you want to write on.
Write on that topic and add few images related to your post also add Heading 1, Heading 2 tags as subtopics.
Writing a post isn’t all. Now, you have to set a target to get traffic to your blog from various sources.
You wanna make money from your blog, right? After all, we start this blog to make a profit out of it. So, for that, you need to monetize your blog.
Congratulations! You have completed creating a blog and monetize it to make money.
You started reading this post wanting to know how to start a blog…
Well, what are you waiting for?
You’ve got the tips, tools, and tactics to make it happen. The only thing holding you back is yourself. Your fears. Your internal dialogue.
To overcome those fears of failure and make it happen. If I can, then you can too.
Ready to get started? It.s time to start a blog for profit.
All it takes is the price of a coffee.
Click here to Register for Wealthy Affiliate where you can easily create a blog with the help of the WA community.
Create a Free Blog Site Right Now, Click here to REGISTER NOW.
There is no Tomorrow.
Read more about WEALTHY AFFILIATE from Here
Thank You For Reading. Share.
what niche is the best ?
Niche should be one of your passion, Carmella. For me I love golf, so about golf tactics is a niche. Hope this clears
number eka denna
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